Siamo un'università americana a fronte il ponte Matteotti, cioè vicinissima la fermata Flaminio e ben collegata con tutta la città.
La nostra sala conferenza, appena ristrutturato per il nostro cinquantesimo anniversario, è affittabile per mezza o intera giornata. La sala può dividersi in tre aule separate, ognuno di cui può essere affittato a parte.
Contattaci per più dettagli riguardando disponibilità, possibilità di servizio catering, ecc.
The Conference Room is Temple University Rome’s flagship instructional space. Newly renovated for our 50th anniversary, it boasts 3 teacher workstations, 125 student desks, and acoustic paneling on the walls and ceilings. The layout is perfect to host your next lecture, presentation, conference, orientation or corporate training event. Sliding partitions grant you the flexibility to divide the space into 3 smaller classrooms on the fly. Smaller groups may book only 1 or 2 of these subdivisions rather than the entire space.
The full Conference Room comes equipped with 3 iMacs, 3 ceiling-mounted digital projectors, 12 wall-mounted speakers, and high speed internet access. Additional A/V equipment, including microphones, etc., are available upon request. The Conference Room is fully handicap accessible.
Included in your rental is the use of our main lobby, perfect to greet your guests or even host a welcoming aperitivo.
For additional information regarding availability, catering options, and handicap accessibility, please contact us:
Temple University Rome S.r.l.
Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia, 15
00196 Roma |
(+39) 06 320 2808
Tariffa oraria: $ 0.00
Tariffa mezza giornata: $ 0.00
Tariffa giornata intera: $ 0.00
Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia, 15